Next: Orientation and Quaternions
Up: Modeling Natural Phenomenon
Previous: Modeling Natural Phenomenon
- How do we model mountains?
- Lots of semi-random detail
- Difficult to model by hand
- Idea: Let computer generate random effect in
controlled manner
- Start with triangle, refine and adjust vertices
- At each step of refinement, adjust height
of vertices
- Use scaled random numbers to adjust height
- Details
- What to use for h?
Random number, Gaussian distribution, scaled based
on level
I.e., for deeper level, use smaller scale
- May want to do first step manually
Triangular grid, place peaks and valleys
- Could use different h functions to simulate
different effects
- Automatic colour generation
high == white
medium == brown
low == green
- Results:
- Not physically based, but...
- Look good for little work
- Don't look at from directly overhead
Readings: Red book, 9.5;
White book, 20.3;
References; Fornier, Fussell, Carpenter,
Computer Rendering of Stochastic Models, GIP, 1982
CS488/688: Introduction to Interactive Computer Graphics
University of Waterloo
Computer Graphics Lab